BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Cathy Reid President; Gloria Graven, Vice President, Annie Sousa, Past President; Shirley Beaton, Secretary; Karen Pierce, Treasurer; Sandie Gordon Handicap Chair.
Cathy called the meeting to order at 1:07 pm
Secretary’s Report: Waived
Treasurer’s Report: Karen reported: Beginning balance $3,671.56. CrownTrophy for most improved $86.27 Crown Trophy for Grand Shootout $96.92 Total Expenses $387.19 Ending check book balance $3284.37, TOTAL ASSETS: $3,304.37. Hole in One is $42.00. Motion to accept the Treasures report; Lucy Jaromin, second, Annie Sousa, carried. Karen recommended that dues stay at $50.00 for one more year.
Nancy Kelly incoming Treasurer brought forth a motion #1: All members pay a share of the leagues base expenses regardless of when you join. Note: Equal share to cover base expenses with approximately 43 members isestimated to be $10.00 per person. (Range $8-$12) She went on to explain to the membership how that would work.
Motion #2: All members pay to play. If you choose to play you pay $2.00 each week you play. That money will go straight to the pro shop and used for payouts. Eliminating the need for deposits and withdraws from the bank on a regular basis.
The motion was brought to the floor for discussion: Michelle Gregg asked Nancy did you figure out the average amount of play per person? Nancy had been tracking each player and the stats were out of 47 players, 18 people under pay, 5 people break even, and 24 pays too much. It was stated by many, the men do it and it works. Michelle Gregg seconded the motion. A vote was taken only one person was opposed. The motion carried.
Birdies and Eagles: Carole Andrews presented the awards in each flight.
Grand Shootout Winner Trophy: Lu McEwen presented the award to Dede Martin.
Handicap Chair Report: Sandie Gordon awarded the Most ImprovedPlayer Trophy. Sandie explained that you must be a member for 2 years, you must have at least 10 games in by March 15th and that they follow the U.S.G.A. rules by the index. This year award recipient is Sandie Gordon.
Ringers: Sandy Young presented an over view of what ringers mean and how it helps each player. Pat Hutz stood up and thanked Sandy for doing this for us, Pat had never tracked her score before and it really helped her to improve. Sandy handed out the ringer money to those that participated. Karen Peirce made a motion: to bring back Ringers and to be run by the league utilizing existing funds... After much discussion it was explained if the league takes over it will just be on Wednesday play. It was discussedthat Carol Andrews add the job to her Birdies and Eagles as she tracks each scoring card on Wednesdays. Carol accepted the responsibility. The motion was seconded by Gloria Craven and was voted on and carried.
Annie Sousa stated the date for the Rally for the cure is Sunday, January 26, 2025. We will look then at which agency we will choose to support.
Swear in the new Board: Cathy read the job descriptions of each position; Michelle Gregg, Handicap Chair Accepted. Dede Martin, Games Chair, Accepted. Nancy Kelly Treasurer Accepted. Andrea Saunders, Vice President, Accepted. Gloria Graven President, Accepted. Shirley Beaton will stay on as Secretary another session.
Gloria Craven said a few words and gave out gifts to the board members that were leaving.
CATHY, then thanked the committee members that were leaving: Annie Souza, Karen Pierce, Sandie Gordon, she also thanked all the volunteers and committee chairs who helped through the years. Cathy had a private meeting with the outgoing board and gave a gift to each and her appreciation for all the support.
Meeting was adjourned: 2:00 pm
Respectfully Submitted, Shirley Beaton, Secretary